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موضوع: Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 Advanced Full Version

  1. #1
    کاربر علاقه مند
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2011
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 5 بار در 5 پست

    Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 Advanced Full Version

    The new Ashampoo Burning Studio will keep all the advantages of its predecessor and adds multi-disc file backup, an integrated audio CD ripper and further improved support for the exciting new Blu-Ray format with capacities of up to 25 gigabytes per layer.

    Ashampoo Burning Studio is the all-round tool for all CD, DVD and Blu-ray disc burning tasks. The main focus of this faster, more powerful premium version is even better authoring capabilities for building video and audio discs using the latest formats. HD and Full HD video are now fully supported for Blu-ray discs, and all the encoding is handled by Ashampoo Burning Studio.

    The new integrated editor creates DVD and Blu-ray video discs with automatically generated or self designed menus. Each menu page can use a different theme and background music.

    The new Autoplay Editor enables the user to build data discs with interactive, multi-page menus that start automatically. The menus for example include links to files or web pages. It is also possible to create auto-starting discs without menus. Audio files and audio CDs are played directly from within Ashampoo Burning Studio.

    This is very useful when building audio discs, in order to check tracks quickly without switching programs. The audio player has a graphical display with all the standard player controls

    Here are some key features of “Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 Advanced”:

    · Burn files and folders to CD/DVD/Blu-Ray and add files and folders to existing discs
    · Multi-disc file backup and restore on CD/DVD/Blu-Ray with compression and password protection
    · Create VideoCDs and Super VideoCDs
    · Rip music from audio CDs to MP3, WMA and WAV files
    · Create audio CDs from WAV, MP3, FLAC, WMA and Ogg Vorbis files
    · Create MP3 or WMA CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray discs or just copy music to CD, DVD or Blu-Ray
    · Copy CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray discs
    · Create and burn disc images for CD, DVD and Blu-Ray
    · Quickly erase any rewritable media
    · Store disc images larger than 2GB on FAT32 file systems
    · Interactive troubleshooting assistant for solving hardware and media problems
    · Save project files so that you can burn the same discs again later

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