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نمایش نتایج: از 1 به 2 از 2

موضوع: اموزش ساخت کتابخانه در بسکام

  1. #1
    مدیر باز نشسته هنرفر آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Sep 2009
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 311 بار در 154 پست

    پیش فرض اموزش ساخت کتابخانه در بسکام

    با سلام اگر کسی می دونه چجوری میشه در بسکام کتابخانه ساخت لطفا کمک کنه

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement
    تاریخ عضویت
    Advertising world
    نوشته ها

  3. #2
    مدیرکل سایت kavir آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jun 2007
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 5,684 بار در 1,801 پست

    پیش فرض

    من خیلی وقته بسکام گذاشم کنار ولی توی راهنماش یه چیزایی گفته
    دوم اینکه راه درست C هست و شک نکنید
    [align=left:02e6b2d645]Creating your own LIB file

    A library file is a simple ASCII file. It can be created with the BASCOM editor, notepad or any other ASCII editor.

    When you use BASCOM, make sure that the LIB extension is added to the Options, Environment, Editor, "No reformat extension".

    This will prevent the editor to reformat the LIB file when you open it.

    The file must include the following header information. It is not used yet but will be later.

    copyright = Your name

    www = optional location where people can find the latest source

    email = your email address

    comment = AVR compiler library

    libversion = the version of the library in the format : 1.00

    date = date of last modification

    statement = A statement with copyright and usage information

    The routine must start with the name in brackets and must end with the [END].

    The following ASM routine example is from the MYLIB.LIB library.



    ldd r26,y+2 ; load address of X

    ldd r27,y+3

    ld r24,x ; get value into r24

    Inc r24 ; value + 1

    St x,r24 ; put back

    ldd r26,y+0 ; address of Y

    ldd r27,y+1

    st x,r24 ; store

    ret ; ready


    After you have saved your library in the LIB subdirectory you must compile it with the LIB Manager. Or you can include it with the LIB extension in which case you don’t have to compile it.

    About the assembler.

    When you reference constants that are declared in your basic program you need to put a star(*) before the line.

    'basic program

    CONST myconst = 7

    'asm lib

    * sbi portb, myconst

    By adding the *, the line will be compiled when the basic program is compiled. It will not be changed into object code in the LBX file.

    When you use constants you need to use valid BASIC constants:

    Ldi r24,12

    Ldi r24, 1+1

    Ldi r24, &B001

    Ldi r24,0b001

    Ldi r24,&HFF

    Ldi r24,$FF

    Ldi r24,0xFF

    Other syntax is NOT supported.

    See also



    $regfile = "m48def.dat"

    $crystal = 4000000

    $baud = 19200

    Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

    'In order to let this work you must put the mylib.lib file in the LIB dir

    'And compile it to a LBX


    'define the used library


    'you can also use the original ASM :

    '$LIB "mylib.LIB"

    'also define the used routines

    $external Test

    'this is needed so the parameters will be placed correct on the stack

    Declare Sub Test(byval X Asbyte , Y Asbyte)

    'reserve some space

    Dim Z As Byte

    'call our own sub routine

    Call Test(1 , Z)

    'z will be 2 in the used example

    کویر ویدئو راه اندازی شد

    اگر چه دیر ولی برگشتم به جمع دوستان قدیمی....

موضوعات مشابه

  1. [سوال] جزوه آموزشی برد آموزشی lpc1768
    توسط pooriya_nic18 در انجمن LPC series (NXP)
    پاسخ: 5
    آخرين نوشته: 07-12-2013, 14:49
  2. ثبت نام در مسابقات رباتیک وزارت آموزش و پرورش
    توسط elhghasemi در انجمن طراحی و ساخت و آزمایش مدارت الکترونیک
    پاسخ: 0
    آخرين نوشته: 03-08-2012, 21:14

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