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موضوع: انجام پروژه(ترجمه زبان basic به زبان c)

  1. #1
    عضو جدید
    تاریخ عضویت
    Oct 2013
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 1 بار در 1 پست

    Gadid انجام پروژه(ترجمه زبان basic به زبان c)

    سلام دوستان، وقت بخیر. برنامه ای دارم که به زبان bascom نوشته شده، میتونید این کد را به فضای codevision انتقال بدید(زبان basic را با C معادل کنید)؟ فایل txt برنامه به پیوست قرار داده شده. مبلغ انجام پروژه هم توافقی خواهد بود.

    - - - Updated - - -

    این هم کد برنامه(برنامه مربوط به یک گیرنده مادون قرمز هست):

    $regfile = "m32def.dat"
    $crystal = 8000000

    Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Pina.4 , Db5 = Pina.5 , Db6 = _
    Pina.6 , Db7 = Pina.7 , Rs = Pina.2 , E = Pina.3
    Config Lcd = 16 * 2

    Config Pind.2 = Input

    Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 256
    Config Int0 = Falling
    Stop Timer0
    Enable Timer0
    Enable Int0
    Config Timer1 = Timer , Prescale = 1024
    Enable Ovf1 : On Ovf1 Refresh : Stop Timer1

    Enable Interrupts
    On Timer0 Tikers
    On Int0 Infrared

    Config Pind.2 = Input
    Config Pind.3 = Input
    Config Pind.6 = Input

    Config Portc = Output
    Config Pind.5 = Output
    Config Pind.7 = Output

    Green Alias Portc.1
    Yel Alias Portc.0
    Rly Alias Portd.5
    Bl Alias Portc.2
    Rly = 1

    Dim Tik As Word
    Dim Byt As Byte
    Dim Repeat_flag As Bit
    Dim Start_flag As Bit
    Dim Address As Byte
    Dim Command As Byte
    Dim Address_1 As Byte
    Dim Command_1 As Byte
    Dim Address_0 As Byte
    Dim Command_0 As Byte
    Dim Summa As Word
    Dim A As Byte , B As Byte , C As Byte , M As Byte , Z As Byte , Xz As Bit
    Dim S As String * 5 , E As Byte
    If Z = 1 Then : S = "AUT" : Else : S = "MAN" : End If

    Cursor Off
    '################################################# ##############################

    Lcd " IR Receiver" : Wait 2 : Cls : Gosub On_off

    If Address > 0 Then
    Locate 2 , 1 : Lcd "" ; Command : Lcd " "
    If Xz = 1 Then : Gosub Read_command : End If
    End If
    ' Waitms 10
    Home : Locate 1 , 6 : Lcd "Mode=" ; S : Lcd " "
    Locate 2 , 6 : Lcd "Time=" ; A : Lcd " "
    Locate 2 , 15 : Lcd "" ; B


    If Command = 162 Then : Toggle Xz
    If Xz = 1 Then : Bl = 1 : Home : Cls : Lcd " ON " : Else
    Cls : Lcd " Good By " : Stop Timer1 : Timer1 = 0 : Wait 2
    A = 1 : Bl = 0 : Rly = 1 : Green = 0 : Yel = 0 : End If
    Waitms 300
    End If
    Cursor Off
    Loop Until Xz = 1


    Stop Timer1 : Incr B : If B > 9 Then : Decr A : B = 0 : End If
    If A < 1 Then
    Select Case Z
    Case 1
    A = 0 : B = 0 : Gosub Rly_off

    Case 2
    A = 0 : B = 0 : Gosub Rly_on

    End Select
    End If
    If A => 1 Then : Timer1 = 18650 : Start Timer1 : End If

    If Z = 1 Then : Timer1 = 18650 : Start Timer1 : Rly = 0 : End If
    If Z = 2 Then : Timer1 = 18650 : Start Timer1 : Rly = 1 : End If

    Incr Z : If Z > 2 Then : Z = 0 : End If
    Select Case Z
    Case 1
    S = "Off_T"
    Case 2
    S = "0n_T "
    Case 0
    S = "Man "
    End Select
    Waitms 300

    Select Case Command

    Case 162
    Gosub On_off

    Case 168
    Gosub Vol_up

    Case 224
    Gosub Vol_down

    Case 144
    Gosub Man_aut

    Case 104
    Gosub Ok

    Case 194
    Gosub Rly_on

    Case 226
    Gosub Rly_off

    Case 2
    Gosub Yel_led

    Case 34
    Gosub Green_led
    End Select

    Incr A : Waitms 120
    If A > 120 Then : A = 120 : End If

    Decr A : Waitms 120
    If A < 1 Or A > 120 Then : A = 1 : End If

    Select Case Z
    Case 2
    Stop Timer1 : Rly = 0
    Case 1
    Start Timer1
    Case 0
    Stop Timer1 : Rly = 0

    End Select
    ' If Z = 1 Then : Start Timer1 : Else
    ' Stop Timer1 : Rly = 0 : End If
    ' If Z = 2 Then :
    Waitms 300

    Rly = 1
    Waitms 300

    Toggle Green
    Waitms 300

    Toggle Yel
    Waitms 300

    '################################################# ##############################

    Timer0 = 253

    Incr Tik
    If Tik >= 1200 Then
    Tik = 0
    Repeat_flag = 0
    Start_flag = 0
    Address_1 = 0
    Command_1 = 0
    Address_0 = 0
    Command_0 = 0
    Address = 0
    Command = 0
    Stop Timer0
    End If
    '################################################# ##############################

    Start Timer0

    If Tik >= 139 And Tik < 150 Then
    Address = 1
    Repeat_flag = 0
    Start_flag = 1
    Address_1 = 0
    Command_1 = 0
    Address_0 = 0
    Command_0 = 0
    End If

    If Tik >= 116 And Tik < 139 Then
    Address = 2
    Repeat_flag = 1
    Start_flag = 0
    End If

    If Tik >= 22 And Tik < 116 And Start_flag = 1 Then
    Incr Byt

    If Byt < 9 Then
    Shift Address_1 , Left
    Address_1 = Address_1 + 1
    End If

    If Byt >= 9 And Byt < 17 Then
    Shift Address_0 , Left
    Address_0 = Address_0 + 1
    End If

    If Byt >= 17 And Byt < 25 Then
    Shift Command_1 , Left
    Command_1 = Command_1 + 1
    End If

    If Byt >= 25 Then
    Shift Command_0 , Left
    Command_0 = Command_0 + 1
    End If
    End If

    If Tik >= 10 And Tik < 22 And Start_flag = 1 Then
    Incr Byt

    If Byt < 9 Then
    Shift Address_1 , Left
    End If

    If Byt >= 9 And Byt < 17 Then
    Shift Address_0 , Left
    End If

    If Byt >= 17 And Byt < 25 Then
    Shift Command_1 , Left
    End If

    If Byt >= 25 Then
    Shift Command_0 , Left
    End If
    End If

    Tik = 0

    If Byt = 32 Then

    Address = Address_1

    Command = Command_1

    Byt = 0
    Repeat_flag = 0
    Start_flag = 0
    Stop Timer0
    End If


    '################################################# #############################
    فايل هاي پيوست شده فايل هاي پيوست شده
    • نوع فایل: txt code.txt (5.1 کیلو بایت, 14 نمايش)
    ویرایش توسط reza1989 : 21-04-2016 در ساعت 23:47

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement
    تاریخ عضویت
    نوشته ها

موضوعات مشابه

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  3. کامپایلر PIC Basic
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