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موضوع: PDF Password Unlocker Portable

  1. #1
    کاربر علاقه مند
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2011
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 5 بار در 5 پست

    PDF Password Unlocker Portable

    If you cannot open an encrypted PDF document because of losing the password, then PDF Password Unlocker can help you. This software is a handy PDF password recovery software, which can be used to recover PDF password of encrypted PDF documents easily and instantly. Brute-force attack, brute force with mask and dictionary attack are available for you to retrieve lost passwords within few clicks.

    Key Features
    Three PDF Password recovery attacks are supported to recover PDF password
    - Brute-force attack can help you try all possible combinations if you remember nothing about the PDF password.
    - If you remember some symbols or length of the lost password, brute force with mask attack is better for you to save the PDF password recovery time by restricting the search area.
    - Dictionary attack allows you to recover PDF password according to default dictionary of the program, besides, you can add your own dictionary to the program in order to shorten the recovery time.
    - Perfect compatibility This PDF password recovery tool support all versions of Adobe Acrobat including Acrobat 9.
    - b for PDF files created by other PDF applications.
    - Support 40-bit RC4, 128-bit RC4, 128-bit AES, 256-bit AES encryption.
    - Work well with Microsoft Windows 2000, NT, XP, Vista, Server 2003/2008, or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit).
    - Work well with Multi-Core CPU that can speed up the recovery.
    - Easy and fast to use - best service Save the PDF password recovery process automatically and resume when you run the program again if the recovery process is suspended.
    - Shut down your computer automatically when the recovery is finished.
    - Recover PDF password quickly regardless of the length and complexity.
    - Intuitive interface with good User Experience makes it easy to use.
    - Professional, timely and free technical support is always for you.

    Links are Interchangeable | Single Link | No Password

    Source link:

    Download Mediafire

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    PDF_Password_Unlocker_4.0.1.1_Portable_findallsoft .net.rar.html

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    PDF_Password_Unlocker_4.0.1.1_Portable_findallsoft .net.rar

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  3. #2
    مدیر باز نشسته t.o.e آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Sep 2010
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 122 بار در 60 پست

    پیش فرض

    نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط smallping نمایش پست ها

    If you cannot open an encrypted PDF document because of losing the password, then PDF Password Unlocker can help you. This software is a handy PDF password recovery software, which can be used to recover PDF password of encrypted PDF documents easily and instantly. Brute-force attack, brute force with mask and dictionary attack are available for you to retrieve lost passwords within few clicks.

    Key Features
    Three PDF Password recovery attacks are supported to recover PDF password
    - Brute-force attack can help you try all possible combinations if you remember nothing about the PDF password.
    - If you remember some symbols or length of the lost password, brute force with mask attack is better for you to save the PDF password recovery time by restricting the search area.
    - Dictionary attack allows you to recover PDF password according to default dictionary of the program, besides, you can add your own dictionary to the program in order to shorten the recovery time.
    - Perfect compatibility This PDF password recovery tool support all versions of Adobe Acrobat including Acrobat 9.
    - b for PDF files created by other PDF applications.
    - Support 40-bit RC4, 128-bit RC4, 128-bit AES, 256-bit AES encryption.
    - Work well with Microsoft Windows 2000, NT, XP, Vista, Server 2003/2008, or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit).
    - Work well with Multi-Core CPU that can speed up the recovery.
    - Easy and fast to use - best service Save the PDF password recovery process automatically and resume when you run the program again if the recovery process is suspended.
    - Shut down your computer automatically when the recovery is finished.
    - Recover PDF password quickly regardless of the length and complexity.
    - Intuitive interface with good User Experience makes it easy to use.
    - Professional, timely and free technical support is always for you.

    Links are Interchangeable | Single Link | No Password

    Source link:

    Download Mediafire

    Download Hotfile
    PDF_Password_Unlocker_4.0.1.1_Portable_findallsoft .net.rar.html

    Download Rapidshare
    PDF_Password_Unlocker_4.0.1.1_Portable_findallsoft .net.rar

    Donwload 4shared

    یه سوال:
    یعنی با این نرم افزار میتونم پسورد pdf که قفل دارند و اجازه پرینت ندارند رو بشکونیم؟

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