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موضوع: درخوست برنامه TINA PRO V8

  1. #1
    کاربر علاقه مند
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jun 2007
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 4 بار در 4 پست

    پیش فرض درخوست برنامه TINA PRO V8

    از دوستان كسي برنامه
    TINA PRO V8 را دارد لينك هاي برنامه كار نمي كند
    لينك معرفي برنامه

    Posted by Ofogh at 11:14 PM Analog, Digital, Symbolic, RF, VHDL, MCU and Mixed-Mode Circuit Simulation & PCB Design

    TINA Design Suite is a powerful yet affordable software package for analyzing, designing, and real time testing of analog, digital, VHDL, MCU, and mixed electronic circuits and their PCB layouts. You can also analyze SMPS, RF, communication, and optoelectronic circuits; generate and debug MCU code using the integrated flowchart tool; and test microcontroller applications in a mixed circuit environment. A unique feature of TINA is that you can bring your circuit to life with the optional USB controlled TINALab II hardware, which turns your computer into a powerful, multifunction T&M instrument. Electrical engineers will find TINA an easy to use, high performance tool, while educators will welcome its unique features for the training environment.

    Easy to use schematic entry. Enter any circuit within minutes with TINA's easy-to-use schematic editor. Enhance your schematics by adding text and graphics elements such lines, arcs arrows, frames around the schematics and title blocks. Choose components from the large library containing more than 20,000 manufacturer models. You can check schematics for errors with TINA’s advanced ERC functions. The schematic editor supports complex hierarchical designs, team design and version control.

    Powerful analysis tools. Analyze your circuit through more than 20 different analysis modes or with 10 high tech virtual instruments. Present your results in TINA's sophisticated diagram windows, on virtual instruments, or in the live interactive mode where you can even edit your circuit during operation, develop, run, debug and test VHDL & MCU applications.

    Integrated PCB design. The new fully integrated layout module of TINA has all the features you need for advanced PCB design, including multilayer PCB’s with split power plane layers, powerful autoplacement & autorouting, rip-up and reroute, manual and ”follow-me” trace placement, DRC, forward and back annotation, pin and gate swapping, keep-in and keep-out areas, copper pour, thermal relief, fanout, 3D view of your PCB design from any angle, Gerber file output and much more.

    Advanced presentation tools. Make stand-out reports and presentations of schematic diagrams, annotations, formulas provided by symbolic analysis, Bode plots, Nyquist diagrams, poles and zeros, transient responses, digital waveforms, and other data using linear or logarithmic scales. Customize presentations using TINA's advanced drawing tools to control text, fonts, axes, line width, color and layout. You can create, edit and print documents directly inside TINA or cut & paste your results into your favorite word processing or DTP package.

    Importing Spice models. Create new TINA components from any Spice subcircuit, whether created by yourself, downloaded from the Internet, obtained from a manufacturer's CD or from portions of schematics turned into subcircuits. TINA automatically represents these subcircuits as a rectangular block, but you can create any shape you like with TINA's Schematic Symbol Editor. You can also use TINA's parameter extractor program to calculate model parameters from catalog or measurement data and then add the new devices into the catalog.

    Educational tools. Educational tools. TINA also includes unique tools for testing students' knowledge, monitoring progress and introducing troubleshooting techniques. With optional hardware it can be used to test real circuits for comparison with the results obtained from simulation. With the Live 3D Breadboard tool you can automatically build a life-like 3D picture of a solderless breadboard. When you run TINA in interactive mode, components like switches, LEDs, instruments, etc. become “live” and will work on the virtual breadboard just as in reality. You can use this capability of TINA to prepare and document lab experiments. You can also use the integrated Flowchart Editor and Debugger to generate and debug the MCU code, learning and teaching microcontroller programming.

    Virtual Instruments: Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Multimeter, Signal Analyzer/Bode Plotter, Network Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer, Logic Analyzer, Digital Signal Generator, XY Recorder.

    Real time measurements. TINA is far more than a simulation software with virtual measurements. You can install optional, supplementary hardware that allows real-time measurements controlled by TINA's on screen virtual instruments.

    TINALab II multifunction PC Instrument. With the TINALab II high speed PC instrument you can turn your laptop or desktop computer into a powerful, multifunction test and measurement instrument. Whichever instrument you need multimeter, oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, logic analyzer, arbitrary waveform generator, or digital signal generator it is at your fingertips with a click of the mouse. In addition TINALab II can be used with the TINA circuit simulation program for comparison of simulation and measurements as a unique tool for circuit development, troubleshooting, and the study of analog and digital electronics.


    با تشكر

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement
    تاریخ عضویت
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  3. #2
    عضو جدید
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jun 2009
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 1 بار در 1 پست

    پیش فرض


    اگه اون لينك كار نميكنه من يه لينك جديد دانلود براتون گذتشتم يه نگاه بندازيد بد نيست

    لینک دانلود غیر مستقیم

  4. #3
    کاربر علاقه مند
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jun 2007
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 4 بار در 4 پست

    پیش فرض

    نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط mehrdad010011

    اگه اون لينك كار نميكنه من يه لينك جديد دانلود براتون گذتشتم يه نگاه بندازيد بد نيست

    لینک دانلود غیر مستقیم
    دوست عزيز اين لينك از خود سايت دان مي كند ودمو هست تازه 6مگ
    يك اينك سالم از ورژن8 مي خوام

  5. #4
    کاربر علاقه مند
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jun 2007
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 4 بار در 4 پست

    پیش فرض

    از دوستان كسي لينكي از اين برتانه پيدا نكرد

  6. #5
    کاربر ارشد 1nafar آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2007
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 4,874 بار در 1,377 پست

  7. #6
    عضو جدید
    تاریخ عضویت
    Aug 2013
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 0 بار در 0 پست

    پیش فرض

    هیچکدوم کار نمیکنه کککککککککمممممممممممککککک ککککککککککک

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