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موضوع: Error Smart 2.8.0

  1. #1
    کاربر علاقه مند
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2011
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 5 بار در 5 پست

    Error Smart 2.8.0

    ErrorSmart uses the industry’s most advanced diagnostic and error repair technology. In a few short minutes, our software can scan your entire hard drive and quickly diagnose what’s causing your PC complications. Once ErrorSmart has analyzed your PC and located the root of the problems, it goes to work correcting those problems, leaving you with a computer that performs as well as it did the day you bought it. ErrorSmart can restore your system performance and increase startup speed by up to 70 percent. Whether it’s incomplete uninstalls, failed installations, driver issues or spyware infections that are affecting your PC, ErrorSmart will rid you of your computer problems in just minutes.


    You definitely shouldn’t give up hope and waste hundreds of dollars on a new computer. If you do, you’ll find yourself in the same boat a few months from now. Do the intelligent thing and use ErrorSmart to rid yourself of your PC problems once and for all.
    ErrorSmart Offers:
    * Repair of your registry and increase in PC performance by up to 70 percent.
    * Defragmentation and compression of your registry with the click of a mouse.
    * The option of removing registry errors manually or automatically.
    * The security of registry back-up utilities.
    * Easy removal of invalid program shortcuts, duplicate files and invalid help files.
    * Easy organization of startup programs.
    * Resolution of Windows installer errors.
    * Repair of DLL files.
    * Repair of Internet Explorer Errors
    * Removal of Windows startup errors and runtime errors.
    * Stabilization of scripting errors.
    * Prevention of PC crashing and system freezes.

    Source and download link at:

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