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موضوع: The Fastest File Splitter and Joiner v3.3 Portable

  1. #1
    کاربر علاقه مند
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2011
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 5 بار در 5 پست

    The Fastest File Splitter and Joiner v3.3 Portable

    FFSJ consists of two main programs: File Splitter and File Joiner. File Splitter enables you to split a large file into small chunks which are easy to be sent and stored, while File Joiner allows you to join these split parts together so that the original file is restored.

    FFSJ is…
    Very fast: FFSJ can optimize disk-cache and memory usage, this makes FFSJ 3-5 times faster than HJ-Split, WinSplit, MasterSplitter in both splitting and joining tasks. Of course, it is much faster than any compression program.

    Simple: FFSJ works well on all Windows platforms. FFSJ-Lite doesn’t need any requirement of installations or complicated DLLs. FFSJ-Standard has only one simple installation package for integrating FFSJ into shell context menu.

    Small: Both FFSJ-Lite and FFSJ-Standard editions are small enough to fit on a floppy disk.

    Easy to use: FFSJ has a friendly user-interface, it can be used to split any file. FFSJ-standard can also create its shell context menus in order to perform splitting and joining tasks directly from Windows Explorer.

    Easy to be integrated: Since v3.0, FFSJ published its command-line interface. End-users can split/join multiple files using a .BAT file. Developers can write their own interface (in any language) to perform splitting/joining tasks from their applications.

    Secure: FFSJ uses an advanced encryption algorithm to make your data much more secure from unauthorized access. Since v2.9, MD5 checksum algorithm has also been integrated to verify data integrity.

    Compatible: FFSJ can join parts produced by HJ-Split.

    Free and Safe: FFSJ-Lite and FFSJ-Standard are free and clean, both editions do not contain any form of adwares, spywares, viruses, trojans and backdoors.

    Changes from v3.2 to v3.3
    1. Bug fixed: Auto drop shadow effects
    2. Bug fixed: Drag n Drop behaviors
    3. Bug fixed: FFSJ Shell Context Menu on Vista
    4. FFSJ now uses Segoe UI font on Windows Vista

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