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موضوع: دانلودCrossWorks for ARM v1.7.15 & for AVR v1.4.3

  1. #1
    مدیرکل سایت kavir آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jun 2007
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 5,684 بار در 1,801 پست

    پیش فرض دانلودCrossWorks for ARM v1.7.15 & for AVR v1.4.3


    [align=left:bce2f4463f]CrossWorks for ARM is a complete C/C++ and assembly code development system for ARM7, ARM9, XScale, and Cortex-M3 microcontrollers. And when we say complete we mean complete—CrossWorks for ARM is packed full of features such as:

    * CrossStudio Integrated Development Environment-taking care of edit, build, download and debug over JTAG.
    * C, C++ and Assembler toolchain from the GNU Compiler Collection.
    * The CrossWorks C Library. This is our own non-GPL and non-LGPL C runtime library that has designed from the ground up for embedded processor applications.
    * The CrossWorks Tasking Library, known as CTL. CTL is a royalty-free tasking library that provides a multi-priority, pre-emptive, task switching and synchronisation facility. Additionally, the library can also provide timer and interrupt handling support. [/align:bce2f4463f]
    CrossWorks for AVR v1.4 Build 3
    [align=left:bce2f4463f]CrossWorks is the complete development solution for all your AVR projects—from initial design through final production, CrossWorks has it covered. Based on the successful work we have provided to OEM customers, our offering continues to move from strength to strength.

    CrossWorks for AVR sets the standard for AVR development tools. The toolset provides a complete and cost-effective solution for programming the AVR family of low-power microcontrollers. CrossWorks supports all megaAVR controllers in the AVR family, from the smallest to the largest. We bundle an ANSI C compiler, macro assembler, linker/locator, libraries, core simulator, flash downloader, JTAG debugger, and our class-leading integrated development environment, CrossStudio.

    Our C compiler is the benchmark for code quality and performance for the AVR microcontroller. Compliant to ANSI and ISO standards, professional and robust, it's the perfect choice for any AVR project. Coupled with our CrossStudio development environment, it makes an unbeatable development tool![/align:bce2f4463f]
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  3. #2
    کاربر فعال
    تاریخ عضویت
    Dec 2007
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 35 بار در 19 پست

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