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موضوع: AV Music Morpher Gold v5.0.35

  1. #1
    کاربر علاقه مند
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2011
    نوشته ها
    تشکر شده 5 بار در 5 پست

    AV Music Morpher Gold v5.0.35

    The Morpher module and Advanced module are newly combined, and a new compact player mode are only some of the great improvements in this version 5.0 for the convenience of the users. The program is promising to turn any humble PC into a fully-fledged recording studio, giving users the power to make their own pop songs, funky hip hop, or DJ remixes. When a user has finished his masterpiece, there?s a ready-to-use CD burner for him to burn his favorite songs to CD and share them with his friends.

    * Brand new virtual Easy DJ newly created and integrated in the package for DJ fans to do DJ tasks without effort
    * All-in-one Converter module newly created for converting multi-format audio files more quickly and conveniently
    * Compact Mode supported for simple playback anytime you need it
    * New Morpher module developed by combining the former premium Morpher and Advanced modules to bring users more convenience
    * Remover and Extractor for removing or extracting the vocals or Music from stereo songs (results depending on recording quality and embedded effects)
    * Powerful Wave Editor for chopping, combining and tidying up any audio file
    * Multi-channel Music Mixer for mixing Music and vocals together to make funky, unique hit songs (working with whole songs or edited clips)
    * Effects Mixer and Editor for adding and combining studio-quality audio effects for optimal quality and amazing new sounds.

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